OHSU Website Accessibility

Our team of twelve was tasked with evaluating the usability and effectiveness of two webpages' navigation and functionality. My specific group scripted the module, wrote the conclusion, and supervised major edits. We were responsible for collecting both quantitative and qualitative data regarding error and success rates, as well as participant experiences with the websites. I learned to coordinate my schedule with my coworkers and supervisor. I practiced my leadership skills, facilitating relaying of tasks, communicating stress levels, and resourcing out the project.

National Survey of Early Care and Education (NSECE), [United States], 2019, 2020 (ICPSR 37941)

I collected, organized and arranged data for the National Opinion and Research Center, with specific focus on research for childcare providers across the nation. This collection usually involved a oral interview process, where I would find the key information needed. I would then write up a brief summary of the interview, conduct a quantitative study, and forward to the main office.

For the follow up study, conducted in 2020 and 2022, I was also involved in on-the-ground changes to the methodology of the quantitative instrument. I was also consulted to adjust qualitative questions.

The original study can be found here. Follow up data is due in Summer 2023

Drone UX design document

I worked collaboratively to research, develop, compile, and edit a start-up pitch over a three-week period for my hired client, AirDog. This included the communicate complex procedures, processes, and instructions to both a technical and non-technical audience. My deliverable includes written documentation and manual design for the technology, a sports drone used in capturing extreme sport footage.

USDA Economic Research Service/NORC

Another project spent collecting, organized and arranging data for the National Opinion and Research Center, with specific focus on research for food providers around state capacities. This collection usually involved coordination with local USDA affiliate to regularly ingest, clean, standardize, and enhance inbound data. I would then write up a brief summary of the weakness and strengths of the data batch, and then follow-up with a third party.

The data is considered secure information and is not available for public release. A limited bibliography, which I helped to edit, is provided here. You can read more about the study here:

Page Designer Documentation

After studying Page Designer software, I created an eighteen-page Quick Reference Guide to help onboard Global Web Producers. The guide describes how to create product modules in Page Designer for NGO. I demonstrate methods and guide consumers through the process using text and visual aids. I discuss best practices, success ideas, and rule exceptions. This manual covers module link tagging conventions, Page Designer Assets & Layouts, cross-departmental collaboration, Jira Ticket Basics, and other topics.

TC Wiki Article

The TC Topics Wiki is a platform where Technical Communication students at PSU have been adding pertinent articles to for the last several terms. I chose to write about blackboxing as my topic, a concept of crucial value to the TC community. I learned a lot about website design, the importance of eye-catching images that lend a pleasing aesthetic and aid the organizational flow of an article.

Recommendation Report

We proposed an alternate platform for a customer interested in migrating the Portland State Technical Communication Topics Wiki to a new platform for this project. Originally, our class started using the traditional Google sites platform, but when it was no longer available, the site was automatically migrated to the new Google sites platform. Due to the PSU TC Topics Wiki's lack of design affordances in comparison to the necessary degree of design and style possibilities, the client has searched for an alternative platform whose design affordances seem more generative to producers. This was the largest project done during the Fall 2021 quarter, and it demanded the greatest time management and teamwork abilities.

Our team researched and proposed the chosen site. 



Subject Matter Familiarity (Domain Knowledge)

Project Planning/Project Management

Personal Characteristics

Analytical/critical thinking

Time management/deadlines



Subject Matter Familiarity (Domain Knowledge)

Team Collaberation

Personal Characteristics


Decision- Making Under Pressure



AUI documentation


Personal Characteristics

Time Management


Data Management

Systems Analysis

Personal Characteristics


Awareness of deadlines



Software Knowledge

Project Planning/Project Management

Personal Characteristics

Analytical/critical thinking

Systems Analysis



Subject Matter Familiarity (Domain Knowledge)

Project Planning/Project Management

Personal Characteristics

Analytical/critical thinking

Time management/deadlines



Team Collaberation

Project Planning/Project Management

Personal Characteristics

Analytical/critical thinking

Systems Analysis


Researched Writing